A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm...
Timeline Blog

In my soul and absorb its power
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm...

Kira Makarova and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!
Milonga CentralImportant Notice: Milonga Central is cancelled this week due to venue availability, but worry not! The Intermediate Level Class with Demetrio Scafaria and Anja Stellinger is still taking place....

Loukas & Georgia in London, where to find Ariel, Negracha on Fridays & Tango Trips
Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou 31 May – 3 JuneWe can’t wait to see Loukas & Georgia in London again! Book your spots in the workshops in advance, their classes...

Loukas & Georgia’s Masterclass & special workshops, Negracha on Friday, Last week of early bird prices for A Los Amigos
Loukas Balokas & Georgia Priskou 31 May – 3 JuneLoukas & Georgia are arriving this Thursday! Book your spots in the workshops NOW, their classes always get sold out! If...

Mauro & Sabrina’s first time in London – Special Workshops, Updated Schedule on Tuesday, Negracha and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso
Special Workshops with Mauro Caiazza & Sabrina AmuchásteguiIt is our pleasure to host Mauro Caiazza and Sabrina Amuchástegui for the first time in London! Their careers as professional Argentinian Tango...

Mental & Physical Health Benefits of Tango
Hey , Following on from last week’s email where we covered the background of tango, we wanted to quickly share some mental and physical health benefits that you’ll experience on...

Musicality week with Mariano Laplume and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!
Milonga CentralWe’re back at Milonga Central this week, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Join Demetrio & Anja for the Intermediate class, and DJ Ivo has prepared special love-themed cortinas...

Negracha, Ariel’s classes, Farewell for Mauro, Tango Trips
Ariel Yanovsky is backIt’s a pleasure to have Ariel back with us in the classes and milongas. He will be teaching the Tuesday technique and advanced classes, Thursday beginners, improvers...

Negracha & Maestro Carlos Rivarola, Bank Holiday Afterparty, Veronica Toumanova & Tango Trip to Iasi Festivalito Verano
Negracha with Carlos RivarolaThis Friday promises to be truly extraordinary as we welcome the legendary Carlos Rivarola to lead our Special Workshop at 8.30pm. With decades of experience and a...

Negracha, NEW COURSE – Essential Salon Sequences, Beginners’ Crash Course, Fausto & Stephanie in London, Agnieszka & Tymoteusz in Cambridge
NegrachaGet ready for an incredible Friday night at Negracha! Monica & Omar Ocampo, renowned Argentinian Tango and Folklore experts, will teach a Special Chacarera Workshop before the milonga and perform...