Diego Converti and Graciela Gamba are among the best Tango salon dancers and will teach this 2hrs workshop on Boleos and Ganchos. In this workshop you will:
– Learn the basic technique details behind Boleos and Ganchos
– Learn Forward and Back Boleos
– Learn Ganchos for leaders and followers
– Get individual tips and corrections from Diego and Graciela
– Learn interesting sequences in which to use Boleos and Ganchos

Diego and Graciela bring a wealth of experience in dancing and teaching Tango. They have been dancing and teaching together for 16 years and their instructions to improve your Tango will be of the highest quality. Please make use of the opportunity to learn from them.

Date and Time: Saturday, 19th January 2019, 6pm to 8pm
Cost: £20
Tango Amistoso
24-27 White Lion St.
N1 9PD

The workshop will be followed by a practica which is FREE for the workshop participants.

Please use the booking form below to let us know that you are coming.

[contact-form-7 id=”10846″ title=”workshop Boleos and Ganchos with Diego Converti and Graciela Gamba”]