Hygiene and Tango

People, we are all different. We all have different views on how life goes on. One thing that we must agree on to have a nice community is the hygiene part. Most of you are already pretty good at this but even if you think you are good at this, it is important to read this and go through the “tests” mentioned below. Please understand that we are publishing information like this with good intent, to build a community where everyone gets the best out of the community. Our intention is not to patronise or tell you how to lead your life.

There are two important tests: Arm pit test, breath test.

Arm pit test:

Do this test before you leave your home/office for the classes/events. Despite your good intentions, even when you have not been physically working hard during the day, this can still go wrong. Smell your arm pit! Yes, do it because the implications of not doing this are grave for all your partners. During the hug in a close embrace, the arm pit plays a big part. Leaders, remember that when you are in close embrace, your arm pit is physically very close to the follower. Followers, please keep in mind that your arm pit is pressed against the leader’s shirt/jacket. This is all on top of the “smell” factor.

The test: simply smell both your arm pits. If it is pleasant for you, great, you are doing well. If it is not pleasant for you, it is definitely not going to be pleasant for your partners!

Things to do or not to do to get this right so you give a pleasant experience to your partners and everyone in the room.

  1. Shower before the classes/events. If you are going to come straight from work, make sure that you had a shower in the morning and use a good deospray. Do the armpit test to validate that you have got this right.
  2. Do not re-use shirts/tops! We’re going to be embracing each other. You should really be changing your shirt/top before coming to the class/events but at the very least please make sure that you wear a fresh one before heading to work on the days you come to Tango.
  3. Tip: carry a deospray with you and apply before you enter the class/event.
  4. Tip: carry wet wipes with you so you can freshen up after work.
  5. Tip: bring an additional shirt/t-shirt/top with you so you can change before class especially if you are coming to the class straight from work after a physically demanding day.
  6. Generally, aim to smell nice. Obviously, do not overdo it and make the whole room smell with your favourite fragrance but a little effort in this regard will create a pleasant experience for everyone.

Breath test:

Do this test before you leave your home/office for the classes/events. Please understand that bad breath often goes unnoticed by the person who is causing it. It is usually the listener who suffers unfortunately. Imagine having a super interesting conversation with someone and then you having to wonder why they are not engaging with you, bad breath could very well be the reason.

The test: Blow some air towards your palm while holding the palm in front of your face and smell the air you are blowing out. If it is a neutral smell, you have nothing to worry about. If it is not pleasant for you, it is likely that it is not going to be pleasant for your partner either!

Things to do or not to do to get this right so you give a pleasant experience to your partners and everyone in the room.

  1. Coffee and drinks with alcoholic content seem to be the biggest contributor for bad breath in the Tango classes. It helps a lot if you goggle with water straight after you finish your coffee or any such drink. This may not always work though, especially with alcoholic drinks.
  2. Carry chewing gums or mint with you and use it after having coffee or food that could affect your breath.
  3. Brush your teeth or use a mouthwash before coming to the classes/events.
  4. Pay attention to what you eat during the day. If your food contains onion, garlic or such things that can affect your breath, please take corrective action – chewing gums, mint or brushing your teeth.

Thank you for your support in building our beautiful community 🙏🙏🙏

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