Ariel Yanovksy is back in London, Negracha and a lovely week at Tango Amistoso!
Ariel Yanovsky
What an amazing comeback Ariel made on Sunday at Milonga Simpatica! We’re thrilled to have him back at Tango Amistoso while we’re in Buenos Aires. Ariel will be a regular presence in our classes, teaching and entertaining everyone. Check out the schedule to see where you can find him in the classes from next week onwards!
Great schedule at Negracha this Friday:
*Special Workshop at 8.30pm with David Chartoriski
*Technique & Dynamic: Ivan Arandia & Paula Duarte will lead this focused session at 8.30pm.
*Beginners & Improvers: Kick off your evening with Koray Oksar & Zhili Zhang at 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

Don’t miss out on this week’s TDJ! Our one and only Ivan Arandia will take care of musicalising the dance floor
Details of NEGRACHA are here. Check all the classes options and book your ticket now!
Of course Fridays are “Free” Days for a friend if you have an active subscription. Please check the details here.
Please note that Monique is on holiday for the next three weeks, so Yoga takes a break. She is due to restart her lessons on 5th of March.
Tango Retreat – Rioplatense Edition
Our Tango Retreat to Buenos Aires and Montevideo has officially begun!

It’s been an amazing day welcoming our students as they arrived at the beautiful Luna Lila villa. We started off with a Spanish class, an introduction to Buenos Aires milongas and culture, and a technique class. Then, we enjoyed a super delicious Argentinian-style dinner followed by dancing until 4 am!
This week at Tango Amistoso!
The full weekly schedule is available in the link below.

For your quick reference, here is the breakdown of classes.
7.30pm on Tuesday – 24 Exmouth Market
7.00pm on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
7.00pm on Thursday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
6.30pm on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill
8.30pm on Tuesday – 24 Exmouth Market
8.15pm on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
8.15pm on Thursday – Claremont Project, Upper Hall
7.30pm on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill
All improvers can come to the Beginner classes for free!
Intermediate Level 1:
9.30pm on Tuesday – 24 Exmouth Market
8.30pm on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill / Special Workshop
4.30pm on Saturday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
6.30pm on Sunday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
Intermediate Level 2:
7.30pm on Wednesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
7.30pm on Tuesday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
6.00pm on Saturday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
Open Level:
8.30pm on Friday – Technique & Dynamic: 10 Herbal Hill
5.00pm on Sunday – Musicality Claremont Project, Lower Hall
5.45pm on Sunday – Technique Claremont Project, Lower Hall
Yoga: will be back on 5th March.
Milonga Central with TDJ Juan Herrera
9.00pm – 1.00am on Wednesday – Be at One Bar, 10 Beak St
Milonga Negracha with TDJ Ivan Arandia
9.30pm – 3.00am on Friday – 10 Herbal Hill
Milonga Amistosa with TDJ Ariel Yanovsky
7.30pm – 10.30pm on Saturday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
Milonga Simpatica with TDJ Vasily Afonin
7.30pm – 10.30pm on Sunday – Claremont Project, Lower Hall
All Milongas are included in the price of the classes on the day of the Milonga.
20+ classes every week!
Check all the weekly schedule here:
Great value subscription options
You are absolutely welcome to attend individual classes that suit you best, but if you would like to dance more than once a week, then consider the subscription options. They provide a lot of value but also will help you be part of the community and grow with us all. Details are here:
See you soon for lots of hugs and beautiful Tandas!
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